St Mary High School
Class of 1964
Our 45th Year Celebration

Dear Alumni and Alumnae:

Remember when we looked ahead to the new millennium and thought how far away that seemed and how old we'd be? Well, it's here and doesn't seem so very long ago and it doesn't feel all that old.

Milestones are wonderful reasons to celebrate. In keeping with reunion tradition, an idea germinated and a committee was organized. A plan followed and it is with great pleasure and anticipation that we present this invitation.

Let us join together for a time of reflection, shared memories, laughter, tears, smiles, old friendships rekindled and new friendships formed.

One Night Mini Reunion: Social Mixer
When:   June 20, 2009
Time:   7:00 p.m.
Attire: Casual
	  1244 Rockrose NE
	  Albuquerque, NM
	  (Home of Rosemary Adams)
	  (click on above link for map)

Cost: $15.00 per person which covers expenses.

Please RSVP no later than: June 13, 2009.  A check in the amount of $15.00 
for each person attending must accompany your RSVP so that we have an
accurate count and payment for those attending.

Make checks payable to: St. Mary's Class Reunion

Mail check to: Elreena Gallegos, 13 Prairie Hawk Dr., Los Lunas, NM 87031-5718

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Name:  ___________________________

Saturday. night: (Number Attending)    No ______
