St Marys High School
Class of 1964


St. Mary's High School
Class of 1964 60-year Reunion
Saturday Sept. 21st, 2024

In May, 1964, as we tossed our mortarboards in the air, we shouted: "We made it!"
Today, in 2024, 60 years later, we find ourselves again saying "We made it."
Sadly, not all our friends made it to today, though.
Some have gone on, leaving us with memories.

On September 21, 2024,
your reunion committee is honored to host a 60-year celebration of those St. Mary High School days

Please say you'll attend. It won't be the same without you.

We know there could be some local travel or budget concerns. The Committee is offering this: If a ride is needed, please call any of the committee members and we will see to it that you get there

A donation amount of $40.00 per person attending, to cover expenses, is requested.
Checks payable to St. Mary's Class of 1964, P. O. Box 90663, Alb., NM 87199.

We understand that some budgets may be strained. If that is the case, let one of the committee members know, confidentially. We want to see you there and can help with that. As we "remember when…," we are more aware than ever that: Today is all we have. Let's show up for each other. Today.

Please RSVP to one of the Reunion Committee members.
We are obligated to give the facility a count for food prep.
Please let us know no later than August 20, 2024.

Your Reunion Committee:
Rosemary (Lopez) Aabren - - (505) 250-8230
Karla Barela-Lucero - - (505) 417-6398
Edna (Cordova) Montano - (505) 681-0900
Tom Fisher - - (505) 681-7202
Anna (Bachicha) Reynolds - - (505) 294-1203
David Luna (Roy Baca) - - (512) 808-8434

Information liaison
an E-mail message

St Marys School History

We are the Class of 1964

Remembering Those Who Have Passed

High School Memories


Missing Classmates

We Need Your Help

55th Class Reunion (2019)
Our 55th Class Reunion Pictures
Our 55th Class Reunion Announcement

50th Class reunion (2014)
Our 50th Class Reunion Pictures
Our 50th Class Reunion Announcement

47th Mini Class reunion (2011)
Our Mini Class Reunion Pictures

45th Class reunion (2009)
We Have Again Come Together
Visiting with Long Time friends
Reunion Details

40th Class reunion (2004)
We Met and Renewed Old Friendships
The Reunion Continues
We Gathered in Friendship
We Shared Our Memories The Memories Continue More Memories
Reunion Picture Gallery Reunion Picture Gallery Reunion Picture Gallery
40th Annual Awards Reunion Attendees

Last update: Sunday June 9, 2024